Naja, aber wenigstens kommt Weihnachten heuer für mich hoffentlich nicht so unerwartet ;O)
Danke fürs vorbeischauen!
For the 64th PB Challenge I made this card. Theme is "christmas", and I like it to make such cards at this time. Crazy - we has 30 degrees outside ;O)
But this year x-mas can´t come so unexpected for me ;o)
Thanks for stepping by!
lg / hugs

14 Kommentare:
Oh so cute. I love the hedgehogs in a row, brilliant idea! Kim
Eine super süße Karte ist das geworden.Klasse.
Liebe Grüße
Na die ist ja mal wieder voll süß Alex, toller Igelmarsch!! LG Andy
Wie niedlich :O)! Gefällt mir richtig gut die Igelwanderung.
Liebe Grüße,
super cute card that beautiful embossed background and your adorable hedgies.......thanks for joining in the christmas fun this week at PBSC....hugs kath xxxxxx
this is so cute, what a fab way to used the stamp, the hedgehogs look fab in a row. hugs rachxx
This was so cute!! And I love the paper,
Fredrikke :o)
Hi I love your card the images are so cute, and I like the background paper you've used,also thanks for your lovely comment on my blog X
Hugs Liz x
Oh wie süß Alex, die Idee, die ganze Igelmeute zu stempln finde ich klasse... Liebe Grüße...Silke
Alex, love the hedgies marching across your card, very creative.
What a project you took on with the curtains, they turned out lovely though!
Thanks for the nice comment on my PB card this week, very much appreciated.
hugs to you
Hi Alex
Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog.
Have been having a little look around yours - it is beautiful.
You have some lovely creations here. Love your PB challenge card for this week and your curtains are absolutely fantastic. Love them. I would never have thought of doing that .. .. until now!!
Thank you for the inspiration.
Love Jules xx
Thanks for the kind comments on my blog. I really like your card too.-Tania
WUNDERSCHÖN. Ich liebe dieses dunkeblau mit weis.
Gorgeous card, wonderful PB image.
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